Monday 28 January 2013

Adding Vinegar to your Beauty Case: 10 Reasons Why!!

What VINEGAR as a beauty product?! Oh yes! And believe me it is an unmissable one and completely natural, too!!!

So here's ten reasons why you should add it to your staple!!

1. Rinse your hair after you have used conditioner with a soda bottle filled with water and a table spoon of apple cider vinegar to get the leftovers of conditioner out and get super shiny hair.

2. If you have flaky patches of skin put some apple cider vinegar on a cotton boll and softly pad it on the affected area and it clears up in no time.

3. If you suffer from dandruff fill and old shampoo bottle with half water/ half apple cider vinegar and use it as your shampoo for as long/often as you need.

4. If you suffer from athlete's foot spray or pad with white vinegar on it once or twice a day for about 3 weeks or until two weeks after it disappeared.

5. Wipe your nails with a cotton pad with white vinegar before you paint your nails and your nail polish will stay perfect a lot longer.

6. If you suffer from oily skin blot once a day with a cotton ball with apple cider vinegar to take the oiliness away. (I have no experience with that myself, so let me know if it works for you!)

7. Brush your teeth with apple cider vinegar after drinking red wine to remove any (as yet invisible) stains from your teeth. Some people claim it works as a teeth brightener too, but I have seen no proof of that so far. So, let me know if you have.


8. Wash your new jeans and brightly coloured clothes first with white vinegar instead of soap to fixate colours and keep them bright longer.

9. If you have clothes that smell of food or sweat put a little white vinegar in the fabric softener compartment of your washing machine to take the smell out.

10. When your cat pied in the house fill a spray bottle with half white vinegar/ half water and soak the place to take the cat pie smell away and kill bacteria. ;)

Let me if any of these tips worked for you too or if you have tips to add!!

xoxo Marina


  1. Great tips especially number 8. I will be sure to try that:)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
